Let's Collaborate To Increase Student Growth

I help elementary math educators and parents create environments where kids explore relationships, form lasting connections, and become confident problem solvers.

Building Communities of problem solvers instead of problem doers!

Where My Journey Started

I am a former 7th grade math teacher who had students with different levels of math knowledge. Many of them lacked a solid foundation to build math knowledge. I was overwhelmed with trying to meet individual needs. The students were not getting it the way I learned it. I knew I had to do something different. I set out to make deeper mathematical connections myself so that I could help my students make them. Armed with formal and informal student data, I began bridging learning gaps using concrete, representational, and abstract instructional methods. I was like a detective using clues to help students make connections. My kids made amazing growth, and were able to apply their knowledge! 

The Journey Continues

I became a Math Instructional Coach for middle and elementary grades. I wrote curriculum, coached teachers, and taught kids! Elementary is where the love of math begins! I enjoyed helping teachers lay the foundation! The best part was helping teachers make connections which resulted in increased student confidence and growth! It's a win-win!

How Can I Help You On Your Journey?

If you are:

  • DOING ALL THE THINGS- analyzing data, creating engaging lesson plans, and pulling small group, your students STILL aren't performing well on tests
  • TRYING EVERYTHING you know, and your students aren't growing fast enough
  • NOT SURE what to do next

I can help you!

I’m Interested!

My Why

I'm passionate about building communities of math students who can make connections and apply their knowledge to new situations. When students learn the "why" behind math, doors open for them. A strong math foundation opens a world of opportunities for ALL kids, regardless of their socioeconomic status! This is what teaching is all about!

Still have questions about how I can help you?


Book a Free 30-minute Consultation

You will be able to:

  • Ask BURNING content questions
  • Gain CLARITY on underlying misconceptions
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